Standing Strong with the Church in Iraq

Several years ago the Lord opened wide doors of ministry for The Joshua Fund to come and stand alongside the Church in Iraq through the investment of time and resources to visit and express our love and concern personally to them. We have provided training conferences for pastors and ministry leaders, as well as sponsoring others to do the same. We have also encouraged the development and maturing of Christian radio. It has been both a blessing and challenge to us as we have watched the Church there grow over the years as freedom came to Iraq.

However, recent months have brought increased persecution and fear among the local Christians. Thousands of courageous brothers and sisters, who have endured years of turmoil and chaos, have now left the country. Yet, there remains a wonderful and courageous remnant; a group of pastors who desire to be used by God to reach their relatives, friends and neighbors with the Gospel.

It was to these pastors and ministry leaders that we recently had the privilege to send a group of pastors from the United States to minister. Over the course of several days of training, the Bible was opened and taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Several of these local ministry leaders had no formal training, so this was a wonderful time for the American pastors to sit with these stalwart men and walk them through the Scriptures, helping to equip them to return to their churches better able to teach others.

The Church in Iraq is still very young and faces so many difficulties, but as men and women are trained and equipped for the work of the ministry, we are encouraged to see how God will continue to move in this land.

As The Joshua Fund has opportunity to continue to support the training and equipping of pastors and teachers, be assured we will continue to do so.  Can we encourage you to stand with the Iraqi church in prayer? Would you pray for protection, as well as continued open doors for ministry? Pray also for their peace and comfort, and for the Lord's continued hand of mercy.

"...praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints" - Ephesians 6:18

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