Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Janet Parshall to discuss the unrest in Egypt and what it means for Israel and the Middle East.
Joel assesses the current threat from Iran, including international efforts to slow their pursuit of nuclear weapons, their claim that The Twelfth Imam is on earth, and internal strife within the Iranian government.
Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Janet Parshall to discuss the forest fires in the Mount Carmel region of Israel.
Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Janet Parshall to discuss the current state of the European Union and Israel.
Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Janet Parshall to discuss the question of “Will There Ever be Peace in Israel?”
Inside The Middle East Crisis Conference. What does the future hold for America?