The Power of Internet Evangelism
For the past several years, Jewish believers from various ministries have worked together to share the Gospel through the Internet. The Lord is blessing their efforts beyond our wildest imaginations! A great number of creatively filmed, poignant videos of Israeli testimonies of salvation are now being made widely available on the Internet, both in Hebrew and in English. Millions have already viewed these videos, and the number of views continues to rise daily! For most Israelis, nothing is as truly compelling and impactful as hearing the truth of the personal journey of another Israeli who has considered Jesus as Messiah and has now placed their full trust in Him. We are rejoicing over those who have long had honest questions about their Messiah, and who have now found the truth of Jesus (Yeshua) having examined the Scriptures for themselves. We are also deeply grateful for the answers being put forth by these Internet ministries in refuting some of the traditional rabbinic arguments against Jesus as Messiah – arguments that now can be clearly seen as weak and skewed treatments of the Scriptures. Your continued prayer and financial support have been key factors in helping The Joshua Fund assist these vital ministries’ work within Israel.