Rest for the Weary
Rockets, bomb shelters and gas masks. Israel continues to find itself on the frontlines of seemingly insurmountable obstacles to simple peace and security, as witnessed earlier this year in Gaza. There exists another critical frontline battle in Israel - the ongoing Gospel ministry among the believers in Jesus. The Joshua Fund works closely with pastors in the region, many who tirelessly “fight this good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12) on a daily basis. We know that with much conflict can also come weariness and exhaustion. For the last six years, we have had the privilege of providing these faithful men an opportunity for a reprieve from the battle at a five-day retreat where they have been able to study God’s Word, fellowship with other pastors and return home rested and rejuvenated.
“Personally, I was deeply moved and encouraged by the retreat, far beyond what I thought or imagined. It was genuinely a life-changing experience and made me realize how much we need to do things like this…. A special thanks to The Joshua Fund.” – Israeli pastor
We are grateful to you, our donors and prayer warriors, for providing the funding that helps Jewish and Arab pastors and ministry leaders in Israel to experience this kind of meaningful encouragement, fellowship and refreshment.
Learn more about the people blessed in the name of Jesus by your generous gifts and faithful prayer in the 2014 Donor Report. https://www.joshuafund.com/about/donor-reports
The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them. Isaiah 9:2