Rescuing Babies, Supporting Mothers

Some statistics say as many as one-third of all pregnancies in Israel end in abortion. The number of legal abortions annually, paid for by Israel’s national health care system, is approximately 20,000. Since 1948, there have been an estimated 2 million abortions. This challenges the sense we have of Israel as "The Holy Land", though we often find it a land of stark contrasts that can both perplex and grieve us.

In many ways, this problem flows out of Israel’s co-ed military. Beginning at 18-years-old, young women spend two years, and young men spend three years, serving their nation. Most of that time is spent away from home, with male and female soldiers often serving together. Add to this the fact that many Israeli parents don’t encourage or expect their children to walk in the protection and the truth of the Hebrew scriptures. Fearing that their son or daughter may be killed before having ever "really lived", they take a hands-off approach to training them in righteousness. It isn’t surprising then, that 2.4 percent of female soldiers get pregnant during their two-year service, and 75 percent of these abort their child.

Since the military wants to keep these women serving, their practical approach has been to provide abortions, funding as many as three for each young female soldier. Being pregnant and in the military creates tremendous pressure for these young women. They feel trapped, knowing that to be dismissed from their military service can be a social disgrace for them, adversely affecting future employment possibilities.

The economics of single motherhood in Israel are daunting. The cost of raising a child is frequently given as a justification for abortion in Israel, even among married women who already have several children. Often they face severe pressure from their husbands to abort their babies to avoid the expenses.

The Joshua Fund is blessing Israel through a partnership that reaches out to these women in their time of crises. We are engaged with a ministry in the land that is directly and personally touching these troubled women. Beyond the immediate decision for the life of the child, they also share the love of Jesus Christ with these women. Life for both the baby and mother is the blessing we are praying for and committing resources towards.

If the challenge they face is financial, they are provided with the necessary items for a baby room, as well as food, diapers and formula until the baby's first birthday. This practical commitment has given many women the strength to choose life, the hope to say "yes" to their baby, and to the Lord, even when everything around them may urge them to abort.

The Joshua Fund has committed to support five mothers and their babies. When this team is on the streets, seeking out these women in need, and pleading with them for the lives within them, they now have the added confidence of our prayer support. But, beyond that, we have committed the resources that can be used to help lead these women to the truth ... the truth about their babies' lives and the truth of the God who loves them. Both the mothers and fathers are being provided with the emotional and spiritual support they need. Someone is there for them, walking with them, listening day by day, being present for the births of the babies, and providing them the sense of care and concern they need during this vulnerable time.


If the Lord urges you to be part of this work, here is how you can help.

The cost to support a mother and child during their first year is $2,400. This includes formula and diapers, as well as a stroller, chest of drawers, baby bath, etc. These gifts make caring for a newborn so much easier, and they encourage these moms to say "yes" to life for these tiny Israeli citizens.

We would love to be able to support many more babies in Israel. We encourage you to draw others into this work. This is a wonderful project for a youth group, a small group bible study or home fellowship, or perhaps your entire congregation, who can pool their funds to support these mothers and newborns.

If you are currently supporting pro-life work in the United States, please continue to do so. But would you also consider, as part of your next fundraiser, or as a portion of your congregation’s pro-life budget, contributing to proclaiming the message of life in Israel? Will you help take away their doubt as to whether or not they can “afford” to give life to these children of Israel?

May the Lord greatly bless you as you prayerfully consider this project. 
Donations should be marked “for the babies” and sent to:

The Joshua Fund
18940 Base Camp Road
Monument, CO 80132 

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