No Longer Forsaken: Helping War-Torn Families Find Peace

Little did he know, however, that when he and his family finally found physical safety and refuge, they would also find spiritual comfort as well through a Joshua Fund-supported ministry partner:

“We ran away from destruction and injustice,” explains Hassan, “and were introduced to this ministry through friends here. They told us about the support it provides. I fell in love with the Bible study and waited eagerly for church every Sunday. We were consoled from the inside out and began to let go of our burdens, problems, and worries. Through the church, we learned how to apply the Bible to our lives, our children, relatives, and neighbors. It was a huge positive impact on our lives.” 

Many more families like Hassan’s are waiting to hear that message of hope.

Will you give a gift of $50 or more to help support these critical partnerships and bring God’s peace and healing to families afflicted by war, poverty, and more?

At the heart of The Joshua Fund is our mission to serve, encourage, equip and teach. When you help us empower local ministries, pastors, and churches to be the hands and feet of Jesus, you are coming alongside families like Hassan’s and letting them know that they are not alone. 

“The goal for their Bible study time is to build a strong foundation—spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically—in the life of these displaced families,” explains our ministry partner. “Many of them haven’t ever had the opportunity to hear about Jesus, so as they learn the Word of God, they are gaining Biblical values and principles, which they are then able to use in their lives to be ambassadors among their people.”
For Hassan, those principles were life-changing.
“We had never heard of all this overwhelming love and peace,” he says. “Now, our homes feel so peaceful, and we feel that we aren’t forsaken. Bible study is very important. Now, with any difficult situation I go through, I find all the support I need through the Lord.”
You are a part of making testimonies like Hassan’s possible. Would you continue to pray for more families like his to be touched and for the truth of God’s Word to bring hope to those in desperate need?
Thank you for your faithful support of The Joshua Fund and for demonstrating compassion through your gifts! You are a blessing, and we are so grateful for you.


* Some photos are for illustrative purposes only, to represent cultures and regions served. Names have been changed to protect identities.

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