Join The 2013 Prayer and Vision Tour and Epicenter Conference
Happy New Year! Final plans are currently underway for the 2013 Prayer and Vision Trip to Israel with The Joshua Fund, which includes admission to the Epicenter Conference to be held in Jerusalem. We would love to have you join us on this life-changing experience, June 25 through July 7, 2013.
It may be that you’ve never been to Israel, but have always dreamed of the Scriptures coming alive in a profound way by “walking where Jesus walked.” Or perhaps you’ve been to Israel before, and sense a calling to visit again to deepen your understanding of how powerfully the Lord is moving there.
The Joshua Fund Prayer and Vision Tour will visit several sites in the Holy Land, including Caesarea by the Sea, Megiddo, Capernaum, Mount of Beatitudes, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Olives, the Garden Tomb, and the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Joel C. Rosenberg will teach at significant biblical locations throughout the tour.
The Joshua Fund Prayer and Vision Trip is truly unique in two very special ways:
You will have the opportunity to participate in a practical ministry project, interacting and blessing the poor and needy, as well as visit The Joshua Fund warehouse.
You wll join in the 2013 Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem, receiving not only a geopolitical update on the State of the Epicenter, but also hear speakers teach verse-by-verse through key Bible passages on three critical themes: The Power of the Word to Change our Leaders, The Power of the Word to Change our Nation and The Power of the Word to Change our World.
You will also hear powerful spiritual testimonies from Israeli and Palestinian followers of Jesus Christ and how the Word of God transformed their lives. Throughout the conference you’ll have time to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Israel’s neighbors and enemies, the leaders of the region, the poor and needy, the believers throughout the region, and the health and strength of the Church and her shepherds.
Still not sure if the 2013 Prayer and Vision Trip is for you? Watch a video with testimonies from past participants and learn more about how traveling to the Holy Land has strengthened and encouraged so many others.