Heroes & Friends - Investing in the Next Generation

Heroes & Friends - Investing in the Next Generation

For the last eight years, I’ve had the unique privilege of walking alongside, getting to know, encouraging, praying for and absolutely falling in love with some of the most important people in Israel - those laboring to disciple the younger believers. I’ve grown such a deep respect for those who are pouring out their lives as they pour in the Word of God to the next generation of Jewish and Arab followers of Jesus. These are solid, down-to-earth brothers and sisters who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and do whatever is needed, spiritually and practically. I’ve watched them willingly sleep in the dirt with these kids at camps and retreats, staying up half the night with them – simply to earn the right to know them personally. They make every effort to draw near to them so they might eventually minister to them in the deep, personal ways they need.

Youth ministry in Israel is fascinating in that, unlike in the United States, it’s quite national. While youth groups regularly meet in local fellowships and churches, there are many opportunities for young believers from a wide range of different congregations to come together for fellowship, valuable time in the Word and worship. Due to the relatively small size of the Body of Christ in Israel, those who openly follow Jesus seem to have a better understanding than their counterparts in the States of the need to be continually connected to each other. I have often been deeply touched to witness the powerful impact that just seeing other believers gathered together can have on these youth, who are coming from small congregations scattered throughout the Land. There is a visible, even palpable, sense of joy and encouragement I’ve witnessed each and every time these young followers of Jesus can gather.

Also, due to the wide variety of backgrounds these young disciples are coming from, the national youth ministry efforts often enable kids to cross boundaries between ministries, denominations or doctrines that are very different in flavor, yet all glorifying the Lord by their worship. This has provided many younger believers with a far better developed sense of their own freedom to fellowship among those from other ‘streams’ than many of their parents may have.

Due to the growth of the believing population in Israel over the last 25 years (now estimated at around 15,000), these youth ministries are needing to expand in order to keep up. Many gatherings we’ve had the privilege to be a part of have been packed with young followers of Jesus – each in a different stage in their walk with the Lord – yet all sharing one major need – more teaching, equipping and encouragement as they grow into the likeness of Christ Jesus.

Another tremendous blessing is witnessing some older members of this next generation who - having earlier been discipled personally and touched by these same youth leaders and ministries – are now rising up to serve the younger members of their generation. It’s so encouraging to see them now walking in the very fruitful ways of ministry that they had been discipled in – and it’s a powerful testimony to the need for this type of ongoing investment into their lives. These equipping and teaching efforts are especially critical based on what each of these young people – Jewish and Arab alike – face on a day to day basis.

One other highly unique and effective approach is that of longer term, ‘live in’ ministry. One key effort, in particular, provides full-time support and encouragement for 12 young believers, over a 3-month period. Each participant has either just completed their required military service, or are at the same approximate age. This is typically such a crucial season in the formation and strengthening of their faith, as the years of military service can be particularly difficult for young believers. It’s hard to even quantify just how impactful and life giving this tremendously demanding work has been. The dedication of those who labor in this way is truly humbling. The work receives the full support of the congregations throughout the Land – with almost 30 different local pastors and teachers participating during the 90 days of discipleship to help equip, encourage, pour into and prepare these treasured young ones.

These youth ministries have long been on our heart. The Joshua Fund has been working to encourage and undergird the efforts of these wonderful local leaders – and you have already had an extremely significant role in enabling and supporting these key ministry efforts. But I also want you to stay aware that this vital discipleship and teaching work in Israel is still in its own youth, as well, and as such, is truly in need of our continued prayer and attention.


Pray that the Lord, as He leads, would provide for the youth ministries that are growing and bursting at the seams.

• Pray that the Lord would bring full time staff.

• Pray for many “servant staff” volunteers from among the local congregations.

• Pray that each ministry would be able to secure and maintain a location to host these vital ministry efforts.

• Pray that some would experience ‘breakthrough’ type provision, perhaps even to allowing them to acquire permanent locations for their work.

Pray that none of these young disciples would fall through the cracks.

• Pray that their local congregations would ‘see’ them and continue meeting their deepest needs to know Jesus on a week-to-week basis.

• Pray that the national youth ministries who support many local congregations would continue to bear much lasting fruit as they seek to equip and sustain the next generation, to help them grow in their faith and to ensure that they stay rooted and grounded in the truth and vibrant in their faith.

• Pray with us that the laborers in these crucial roles would not grow weary in their well doing.

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