God is Faithful to Touch A Hurting Heart

God is Faithful to Touch A Hurting Heart

“One Syrian refugee family settled in Jordan and we were providing food for their daily needs. This man, Makmoud, was the most intimidating man I have ever met. I was threatened by his very presence each time I visited their home to drop off their food package. I kept thinking that if he had a weapon, I would have been dead. Makmoud would not look at me, but his wife would accept the package. It was the same each time I visited, the same looks and intimidation, but they accepted the food delivery. After three weeks, his wife fell down a flight of stairs and broke her leg. Makmoud called me and said, “You’re my only friend in life.” So a relationship began. We paid for two surgeries for his wife, and when they came to thank us for the funds provided for her medical procedures, we gave them a Bible and shared with them about the Lord. They both gave their hearts to Jesus Christ that day. Later they asked us, “We don’t have any money, but we’re reading in the New Testament about giving. Is Jesus okay with us giving some of the clothes and food we’ve been given?” They went from fearful and intimidating to radiant.” - A ministry partner serving in Jordan

 Please be praying for this refugee family that the Lord will use them to minister to the needs of the people and draw them to Himself through their testimony of God’s goodness and love.

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