God is Faithful to Equip and Encourage the Body of Christ in Israel

God is Faithful to Equip and Encourage the Body of Christ in Israel

4 ways you helped make a difference in Israel: 1/ Distribution of Hebrew, Arabic and Russian language audio Bibles, 2/ Support and encouragement for an online Bible college curriculum to help ministry leaders, 3/ Retreats and conferences that provided Bible study and encouragement for Jewish/Arab pastors and ministry leaders, young people and underprivileged segments of the body of believers, 4/ Undergirded the production and staff support for key evangelistic videos in Hebrew and Arabic. 

Thank you for your faithful prayers and generous gifts to the work the Lord is doing through The Joshua Fund to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus.

God is always fair. He will remember how you helped His people in the past and how you are still helping them. You belong to God, and He won’t forget the love you have shown to His people. / Hebrews 6:10 / 

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Bible Prophecy Project: Volume 1

Joel explains the significance of biblical prophecy, why some pastors shy away from teaching prophecy, and how prophecies help to narrow down and identify the true Messiah.

The First 15 Days of the Hamas War on Israel

A chronicle from the diary of Lynn Rosenberg, co-founder of The Joshua Fund, from the first 15 days of the Hamas War on Israel.

Israel in Crisis: The Joshua Fund Responds

We are witnessing the darkest hour in Israel’s modern history. Our team is providing critical aid to families displaced by the terror attacks, including housing, food, hygiene products, and more.