Fulfilling the Great Commission in the Epicenter

Fulfilling the Great Commission in the Epicenter

“Many in the Epicenter are being shaken as perhaps never before in human history. Churches have been bombed and set ablaze, and many Christians have been captured, enslaved, tortured, and even killed for their faith.  Yet even amidst such darkness, we can rejoice because the Holy Spirit is on the move. News of Christian persecution in the Middle East has unleashed a great movement of prayer. Millions of Arabs and Muslims are now hearing the Gospel message in their own language – just as remarkable, many are considering the claims of Jesus for the first time in their lives .

The Joshua Fund is called to bless Israel and her Neighbors; the Lord has specifically called us to not only strengthen, encourage and invest in God’s work in Israel. We are also called to strengthen the Church to fulfill the Great Commission among Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis, and Egyptians. Despite such darkness in the region, we are encouraged. The Lord Jesus Christ is building His Church, and He is refusing to allow the gates of Hell to prevail against it, just as He promised.” (Matthew 16:18) – Joel C Rosenberg  

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