Egypt - A View from the Inside

Over the last few weeks we have been in touch with several who minister inside of Egypt. During the overthrow of President Mubarak most plans for ministry trips by internationals seeking to reach into Egypt were postponed or cancelled, as the Egyptian government forbade public gathering. In addition, it’s critical to avoid further endangering the local believers by raising their public profile, which is almost unavoidable during a visit from outsiders.

As a way to challenge each one of us in how we are praying for Egypt during this present time of struggle and unrest, let us share with you the thoughts we recently heard from a Muslim background follower of Jesus who has been ministering in Egypt for the last 20 years. When we spoke with him last week, we asked the obvious question, “Isn’t it dangerous in Egypt right now?” Here is a paraphrase of his very clear response:

‘I have been serving the Lord here for 20 years…as a former Muslim who actively shares my faith in Jesus, my life has literally been at risk every day. Now, as the entire Nation is experiencing a time of turmoil, uncertainty and unrest…I say to my fellow Egyptians, “Welcome to my way of life!” I believe it is very good for them to experience what I have been living. For me, there is no better time to share my faith than now. This unrest and fear have everyone questioning what is worth living – and worth dying for. This is a good time to share my faith.’

Would you please continue praying diligently along with us:

  • That the Lord would open wide doors for ministry in Egypt.
  • That the believers living there, from both Muslim and nominal Christian backgrounds, would find a new boldness to share the truth and the joy of their salvation.
  • That the believers would begin to reach out to their friends, family members and those who they live among with a strong answer for the Hope that lies within them.

Let’s continue praying that as the Lord has unsettled their National situation – that many would find peace in the Messiah through this difficult time. Please also beseech the Lord of the Harvest – that He send forth workers into the Harvest…and that the many internationals who have a heart and calling to reach Egypt with the Gospel would be clearly led by the Holy Spirit as to when and where they should minister. Thanks so much for joining us in this critical effort!

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