A Note Of Thanksgiving From The Executive Director, Carl Moeller

Hi Everyone –
I pray that this holiday season brings each of us a new perspective on all that God has done – and instill in us grateful hearts despite the challenges we face in our world. What a year to thank God! His faithfulness has been the rock that we have clung to during troubling times.

Covid-19 has changed so much around us – and impacted our personal lives and ministry in many significant ways this year. Political and social strife has characterized 2020 around the world. In fact, many have sunk into fear, isolation, and anger. But God’s faithfulness – His grand plan and design - remains steadfast. He is the only true hope for the world!

This Thanksgiving, my prayer is that all of us experience afresh this true hope – and return to God the thanks that is rightly due Him for all His many blessings during this trying time. May our posture of thankfulness in the midst of such confusion and fear around us, resound to the ears of the fearful with hope and blessing.

At Thanksgiving, let’s focus our hearts on cultivating a spirit of gratitude that grounds us again in our trust and faith in His provision for all our needs. As well, may we continue to step out boldly in this faith, working in the ministry and service to which God calls us.

I have reposted a prayer that has blessed me as I seek to be more grateful and to express that gratitude more consistently. May it be a blessing to each of you – and may you all have a truly Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankful for each of you,


To Cultivate Gratitude and a Grateful Heart:
Lord, I want to cultivate a grateful heart. Please help me, Lord, and open my eyes so that I can see all that I have to be thankful for. Enable me to recognize Your hand of blessing in my day to day life. Help me to express gratitude to You daily, for that is Your will (Ephesians 5:19-20).

God help me to do all things without complaining (Philippians 2:14) so that I don’t grieve Your Holy Spirit. By Your power, I desire to be thankful in all circumstances, for this is Your will for those of us who belong to Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Lord help me to devote myself to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart (Colossians 4:2). May my heart overflow with gratitude to You, God, for You are good. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
- Julie K. Gillies


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