What Did This Holocaust Survivors Go Through?


Living in a remote and poor area in Israel South, a group of Russian-speaking immigrants in their late seventies to nineties was fortunate enough to survive those dark days in Europe so long ago.

Many are needy and none own a vehicle, leaving them home-bound and hard-pressed to access life's basic needs. Not long ago, a German couple visited from overseas and contacted the survivors. While there, the Lord put it on the couple's hearts to minister to them, answering their spiritual questions. While through prayer, they found a relationship with the living God. After building such sincere and successful bonds through their ministry, the couple retired, sold their home, and moved to Israel. Unfortunately, issues arose and forced them to travel back and forth to Israel, then the COVID-19 pandemic halted travel. The couple asked for help. One of The Joshua Fund staff members who speaks Russian had access to food packages for the needy, he accepted the project.

The couple who started the ministry stays in touch, sending their group teaching messages on video and taking part in Zoom calls with the team. Packages are delivered regularly, relationships gain strength. Recipients are free to choose if they want to receive the food. They know rejecting our faith will not affect the supply of food packages just as the Lord provides oxygen and food for non-believers. We respect their choices, albeit with sadness for their closed eyes. Some do not wanna pray, with regard, we pray for them privately. However, as time passes, we become friends. Recipients tend to ask about our hope and we can legally reply, "Witnessing God's work in her lives." It's with your support projects like this are made possible. All Mighty God touched a visiting couple's hearts, leaving them to a ministry of helping strangers in need and bringing them into a relationship with the living God.

Would you pray for these Holocaust survivors? They've been through so much. Additionally, would you give a one-time gift of $50 or more?


Your contributions go a long way to provide food and relief. Together, we can continue to share God's love powerful.

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