Urgent: Surgeries Needed

Urgent: Surgeries Needed

Dear Friend,
Ibrahim,* a street vendor from a capital city in the Arab world, was a Muslim and a new father. His life was radically impacted by God’s dramatic intervention to save the life of his son, Sami.*

Sami was diagnosed with a rare and fatal heart condition; local doctors had given up on him as untreatable. In desperation, Ibrahim sought care in another nearby nation where he was told that those doctors were also unable to help. The distraught father then learned of one last place to turn for help: a ministry in Israel, one supported by The Joshua Fund. It was there Ibrahim would ask for intervention.

The ministry team met Ibrahim, his wife, and Sami in the hospital in their home city. Doctors discovered that Sami needed heart surgery within one or two days, or he surely would not survive.

Life-saving surgeries such as this could easily run into the tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of dollars! However, through the special work of our partner, we were able to have this surgery done at a dramatically reduced cost—close to $5,000!

Another obstacle to this emergency surgery was the needed visa required to enter Israel, which normally takes three weeks to receive. There would also be significant travel costs, and there were no guarantees of a successful surgery. Instead of giving up, The Joshua Fund’s ministry partner turned to prayer by Sami’s hospital bed and humbly asked God to open the way. Shockingly, the Israeli authorities called just moments before the start of their Sabbath to say they would issue an emergency travel visa! The family traveled the next day.

Prayers were answered! The surgery was successful, the family’s needs were provided for, and Sami was able to step into the life of a healthy young boy.

Perhaps this is one reason Ibrahim was open to the Word of God!

Ibrahim saw the power of God at work through prayer and the provision that saved his son’s life. "Ibrahim began reading the New Testament diligently while living among our ministry team. He was curious and was always asking questions. Eventually, he declared, 'There is no mistake in this!' and became not only a hearer but a doer of the Word," our partner shared.

The compassion and kindness of financial partners like you led to two lives being radically changed—Sami’s healing through the surgery, and his father Ibrahim’s through the Word of God. Your gifts can save the lives of children like Sami, and bring spiritual life to parents like Ibrahim.

Imagine, just 100 people giving $50 per month enables us to fund the equivalent of one surgery for children just like Sami - and it allows us to underwrite other critical ministry projects as well.

Will you be one of the 100? Will you join us with your gift today?

Donate Monthly

By God's grace, a gift of just $50 a month will help underwrite a surgery like Sami’s or fund other programs that serve those in need. Your best gift today of any amount will go a long way to help us provide the funds needed to save lives, both physically and spiritually. Through your generosity, you will make a difference in the lives of many.

Thank you in advance for helping us empower our partners to see lives changed in the Epicenter.

In Christ,

Donate Monthly

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

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