The Josiah Project

The Josiah Project

The Power of the Word of God to Bless a Nation

 “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

Because of your faithful prayers and generous gifts, The Joshua Fund, along with our ministry partners, have commissioned an audio recording of the entire Old Testament (the whole of the Law and the Prophets) in Hebrew. We hope to be able to make this audio recording available to many in Israel via a self-contained MP3 player. This audio recording will bring the critical words of the Lord to His people, so each Israeli can hear and discern the heart of the Lord for themselves.

During the past six years, The Joshua Fund team has met with ministry leaders throughout the Land of Israel, and one deep need has continued to surface. We have seen the burden many of these leaders carry for their people, and their desire that everyone in Israel would grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Word of God. The Joshua Fund and our Israeli brothers share a concern for bringing the Old Testament Scriptures back to the Jewish people in a real and meaningful way. Recording the Scriptures in the MP3 format will make the hearing of God’s Word and His many promises to the nation of Israel an important opportunity for many to be impacted by the Old Testament in a uniquely personal way.

God has been very explicit with the people of Israel throughout their history regarding the specific purposes and plans that He intends for them. Yet in our day, these timeless truths from the Lord are unheard by many Israelis, as well as many Jewish people around the globe. Though many are well aware of what Rabbis have spoken and written about the Scriptures down through the ages – they have not had the opportunity to listen to these purifying words from the Lord for themselves.

Working closely with partner ministries both in Israel and the US, the team was able to complete the painstakingly difficult recording portion of the project. Several familiar local Israeli radio personalities shared the great task of narrating the 39 books contained in the Old Testament. The team is praying that these familiar voices will be a blessing in helping Israelis who listen to the recording to absorb the Scriptures. As the digital recordings undergo the final edits, please join us in praying for the completion of the project and for those who will receive an MP3, that the Lord would powerfully minster to their hearts through His Word.

As The Joshua Fund continues to pray for ways to truly bless Israel, we long to freely share the Word of God with the people of Israel and Hebrew-speaking Jewish people everywhere in the most accessible manner possible. Our specific hope and greatest desire for this project is that many in the land of Israel will once again hear the Word of God spoken in their presence. We believe that God can powerfully use the reading and hearing of His Word to once again bring revival to His people.

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