Portable Distribution Centers

Portable Distribution Centers

The Joshua Fund distributes food and other humanitarian relief supplies to needy Israeli Jews and Arabs through distribution centers all throughout Israel. We also stockpile additional supplies at these centers for times of emergency.  The Distribution Centers are the fruit of our partnerships with faithful local leaders: each center is a window for the rays of God’s light to shine right into the lives of thousands of poor and needy families in Israel.

But what would happen during a crisis, be it war or natural disaster? How would we respond to unexpected needs that may arise in places where we don’t have a Distribution Center?  The Joshua Fund has developed 10 highly mobile Portable Distribution Center kits which will assist in the deployment of food and other life sustaining supplies to communities directly affected by such circumstances.

We pray for Israel’s peace. But we also pray that when a crisis does strike, these Portable Distribution Centers will be a place for suffering people to receive food, rest and heartfelt prayer.

Watch the video to learn more.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. Psalm 122:6 (NKJV)

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