The Epicenter Conference continues with a panel discussion on the topic of "Drawing Lessons from The Book of Joel". The panel of guests include Joel Rosenberg, Anne Graham Lotz, Ray Bentley and Skip Heitzig.
Unfolding the final chapter of the book of Joel, Joel C. Rosenberg clearly delineates the things that led to Israel’s downfall and provides encouragement by sharing the promises of God for those who live by faith.
Pastor Skip Heitzig encourages believers that there is a future restoration for Israel and a present transformation for all believers.
The day of the Lord is near. Pastor Ray Bentley sheds light on this great and terrible day with a call to repentance.
The Epicenter Conference begins with a welcome and introduction by Joel Rosenberg of The Joshua Fund followed by guest speaker Anne Graham Lotz who shares from the Book of Joel.
63 Reasons to Celebrate! Israel’s Independence Day Marks Hope...
Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Skip Heitzig as they speak about the upcoming Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem May 15-16, 2011.
Ray Bentley, pastor of Maranatha Chapel and speaker at the upcoming Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem, shares how you can pray for the conference.
Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Janet Parshall to discuss the unrest in Syria and how it affects Israel and the Church.
Joel discusses the death of Bin Laden along with the 2011 Epicenter Conference on May 15th and 16th in Jerusalem.
The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Sadly, true peace has not yet come to either Israeli Jews or the Palestinian Arabs. Nor does a lasting and just peace between the two sides seem close at hand.
An estimated one-third of the Holocaust survivors living in Israel are living in poverty. The Joshua Fund had the privilege of providing funding for a party and Passover gifts for hundreds of these dear ones who have suffered so much.
Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Janet Parshall to discuss the events in Libya.
Joel discusses the release of a new Iranian video that states the Islamic Messiah is coming soon.
As many families in Israel prepare to observe Passover later this month, The Joshua Fund has been prayerful and active with our ministry partners in the Land to bless those in need during this season of remembering all that God has done for His special people.
The woman who was killed in yesterday's horrific terrorist bombing in central Jerusalem was an evangelical Christian tourist from Great Britain. The police identified the 56-year-old woman as Mary-Jane Gardner.
Please pray for the people of Israel as they increasingly find themselves under attack from Radical Muslims and Israeli officials consider the possibility of a new war in Gaza. On Wednesday, a bomb went off in central Jerusalem.
Over the last few weeks we have been in touch with several who minister inside of Egypt. Find out what they had to say.