Joel Rosenberg


Netanyahu in the United States: “None of Us Can Afford to Wait Much Longer”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits the U.S. and President Obama to discuss the growing threat of Iran.

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Coming Alongside the Church in Iraq Through Perilous Times

The church in Iraq has transitioned from tolerated to targeted, coming under constant attack the last several years.

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Global Epicenter Update from Capitol Hill

Joel C. Rosenberg discusses the escalating climate in the epicenter and The Joshua Fund's ongoing infrastructure preparations.

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God’s Word Goes Forth in Syria

The headlines have been riveting and disturbing. The violence reported throughout Syria has caused many to ask why… and when will it cease? In the midst of all of the turmoil, violence and suffering, there is HOPE...

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Rumors of War: Could Hostilities Between Israel and Iran Break Out in Spring 2012?

Washington, foreign capitals and the media are suddenly abuzz this week with rumors of impending war between Israel and Iran.

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Protecting and Caring for Those in Need

A recent article from the Israeli news indicates that one in every three children in Israel live below the poverty line.

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Good News From Israel: Christians Expanding Relief Efforts Among Jews & Muslims

As 2011 comes to an end, I’d like to pass along some good news from Israel.

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Prime Minister Netanyahu to Host Bible Study Group

I read a fascinating story in the Jerusalem Post this morning and it gave me fresh hope for the nation of Israel. "Taking a page out of David Ben-Gurion and Menachem Begin’s playbook, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will begin hosting a regular Bible study group in his official residence...

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Rockets Falling in Southern Israel

A Call to Prayer: Tensions in Israel are high as a barrage of rocket fire into Southern Israel from the Gaza Strip is ongoing.

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Report From Auschwitz-Birkenau by Joel C. Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg reflects on a recent journey to Auschwitz and the countless lives lost.

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State of the Epicenter 2011

Joel C. Rosenberg reports on the geopolitical climate facing Israel and the epicenter today.

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State of the Epicenter 2011

On December 2 and 3, The Joshua Fund held our last board meeting of the year. We reviewed our work in 2011, prayed for our staff and allies and for the peace of Jerusalem, and approved our budget for 2012. During our meetings, I briefed the board of directors and senior staff on the "State of the Epicenter"... What follows is an executive summary of my report.

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Egypt Votes: What Does the Future Hold?

UPDATE ON EGYPTIAN ELECTIONS: The Islamist bloc won more than 60% of the vote in last week’s round of parliamentary elections.

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New U.N. Report Erases All Doubts: Iran is Developing Nuclear Warheads

The IAEA has released a 25-page report on Iran’s nuclear activities. This U.N. report concludes there is “credible” evidence...

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The Joshua Fund Provides Vital Medical Equipment

Tensions in Southern Israel remain high. Meanwhile, over the past several years, the Lord has enabled The Joshua Fund to help provide necessary medical equipment to a hospital which happens to reside in the heart of this frequent conflict zone.

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Standing Strong with the Church in Iraq

Several years ago the Lord opened wide doors of ministry for The Joshua Fund to come and stand alongside the Church in Iraq...

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Escalation of Violence in the South

In response to increased rocket fire and violence from militant groups in Gaza on the southern region of Israel, Knesset cabinet member and vice premier Silvan Shalom declares this week that Israel is nearing a dramatic decision to end rocket fire,..

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Gilad Shalit Released

Millions of Israelis are rejoicing today after one of their beloved sons has been returned home after being held hostage for more than five years by the Hamas terrorist group.

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