Joel Rosenberg


Jerusalem Day – Yom Yerushalayim

This year’s celebration of Jerusalem Day, on May 20th, marks the 45th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty during the Six-Day war in 1967.

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Israel Mourns the Passing of PM Netanyahu’s Father

Benzion Netanyahu, the father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, passed away on Monday, April 30th, at 102 years old.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY: 7 Ways to Celebrate the Prophetic Rebirth of the Jewish State

What an exciting day! Today, we rejoice over the 64th anniversary of the modern State of Israel on the Hebrew calendar. Here are 7 specific ways you can celebrate...

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Holocaust Remembrance Day 2012

Today in Israel, and around the world, we stop to remember the evil that was perpetrated during the Holocaust, pray for the survivors and their families, and recommit ourselves to the principle: Never Again.

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2012 Epicenter Conference Announced

Join us September 12-16th in Albuquerque, New Mexico for the 2012 Epicenter Conference. New York Times best-selling author, Joel C. Rosenberg, will be joined by several highly regarded theological experts to discuss in detail several essential issues relevant to the Church’s view of Israel and the epicenter region as a whole.

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Standing with Those Who Go… Praying for a Second Revival in Nineveh

As he traveled the streets of the imposing city delivering God’s message, the prophet Jonah must have been intimately acquainted with fears, threats and dangers. Yet, he brought bold warning...

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Hearts Touched and Healed

Sharing God’s love in a very real and tangible way is deeply evident as The Joshua Fund provides much needed funding to our ministry partner in Israel who arranges life-saving heart surgeries for children.

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Israel, The Church, and the Middle East Crisis

Joel C. Rosenberg shares an update from Biola University on the latest developments in the epicenter region and the persecuted church.

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Southern Israel Under Severe Rocket Attack

Update: The IDF reports over 222 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip in the past four days. Please pray that the "mutual truce" now in place will hold.

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How to Celebrate Purim this Year

Happy Purim! This is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the remarkable story of how the Lord used two faithful believers, Mordechai and Esther, and a movement of prayer and fasting to save the Jewish people from an evil Persian regime determined to annihilate them.

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Netanyahu in the United States: “None of Us Can Afford to Wait Much Longer”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits the U.S. and President Obama to discuss the growing threat of Iran.

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Coming Alongside the Church in Iraq Through Perilous Times

The church in Iraq has transitioned from tolerated to targeted, coming under constant attack the last several years.

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Global Epicenter Update from Capitol Hill

Joel C. Rosenberg discusses the escalating climate in the epicenter and The Joshua Fund's ongoing infrastructure preparations.

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God’s Word Goes Forth in Syria

The headlines have been riveting and disturbing. The violence reported throughout Syria has caused many to ask why… and when will it cease? In the midst of all of the turmoil, violence and suffering, there is HOPE...

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Rumors of War: Could Hostilities Between Israel and Iran Break Out in Spring 2012?

Washington, foreign capitals and the media are suddenly abuzz this week with rumors of impending war between Israel and Iran.

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Protecting and Caring for Those in Need

A recent article from the Israeli news indicates that one in every three children in Israel live below the poverty line.

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Good News From Israel: Christians Expanding Relief Efforts Among Jews & Muslims

As 2011 comes to an end, I’d like to pass along some good news from Israel.

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Prime Minister Netanyahu to Host Bible Study Group

I read a fascinating story in the Jerusalem Post this morning and it gave me fresh hope for the nation of Israel. "Taking a page out of David Ben-Gurion and Menachem Begin’s playbook, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will begin hosting a regular Bible study group in his official residence...

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