On January 27th, we solemnly mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the date on which the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was liberated by the Soviet Army troops in 1945.
“Their stories read straight from the book of Hebrews and Acts – to be so joyful in the midst of difficulty and suffering that we cannot even imagine." – A ministry partner serving in Syria
“Almost eight years ago I started this ministry with one student. Today, we have a team working together and over 90 students. It’s not just the support that amazes us, it’s the people that God continues to bring to us who need Jesus, who need the Gospel to bring healing into their lives.” – An evangelistic ministry in Israel
“One young, devout Muslim woman fled Syria seeking a safe place for her two daughters, mother and two sisters after her husband was killed in the war.
“I am 23 and grew up in a Jewish Orthodox family. My stepfather is part of an extreme religious group in Judaism, and they sent me to an Orthodox boarding school in Israel. I asked once about Yeshua [Jesus] and was told to never ask about Him again.
“One Syrian refugee family settled in Jordan and we were providing food for their daily needs. This man, Makmoud, was the most intimidating man I have ever met. I was threatened by his very presence each time I visited their home to drop off their food package.
We enter the New Year wholly relying on God’s faithfulness and guidance to shepherd His work through The Joshua Fund to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus. Please join us in praying for the ministry and those we serve.
Check out this 3 minute video as Joel answers one of the questions he is asked most frequently.
The Joshua Fund team prays that you and your family will have a blessed Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. May joy and His peace reign in your heart this Christmas.
The Feast of Dedication – Chanukah (Hanukkah) that literally means “Dedication”– is celebrated in 2016 beginning at sundown Saturday, December 24 and continuing through Saturday, December 31.
Tim Lugbill, Executive Director of The Joshua Fund, gives us a glimpse into how The Joshua Fund blesses Israel’s neighbors in the name of Jesus.
How does The Joshua Fund care for the needy in Israel? The Joshua Fund Executive Director, Tim Lugbill shares how God’s Faithfulness is making an impact in Israel through the Distribution Centers operated by volunteer Arab and Jewish believers.
Hear first hand how the Joshua Fund is committed to strengthening local congregations and encouraging the pastors and ministry leaders in the Epicenter.
The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg, reveals the importance of this prayer for each of us, no matter in what part of the world we live.
A word of thanks from The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg, as he shares a few specific ways that your faithful prayer and generous financial support have touched the lives of Jewish and Arab families in Israel and the surrounding nations in real and practical ways with the love and message of Jesus Christ over the last year.
The Joshua Fund walks and works with pastors in the region, many who tirelessly “fight this good fight of faith” on a daily basis.We have been honored to provide these faithful men an opportunity for a reprieve from the battle at a five-day retreat where they gather to study God’s Word, fellowship with other pastors and like-minded brothers.
The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg gives us important insight into understanding the mindset of Jewish believers.
For Israeli pastors currently serving congregations throughout the Land, a new Master’s degree program at a local Bible college has been set into motion. The program is geared for those currently serving as senior pastors, shepherds and ministry leaders – men who eagerly desire further equipping in the practical aspects of ministry.