Joel Rosenberg


Pray with us . . . For the Peace of Jerusalem

Thank you for prayerfully standing with people in the Land of Israel during this critical time. We are grateful for your continued and faithful prayer for the peace of Jerusalem in obedience to Psalm 122. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122:6

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Step into the Story with Joel C. Rosenberg Israel July 3-15, 2018

Pastors, introduce your congregation to an immersive spiritual experience with combines study, prayer and worship with the relationship building elements of travel.

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Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed . . . Isaiah 1:17

Learn more about God’s love and plan for Israel, for her neighbors, and for you, as revealed through the Bible.

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You. Investing in Young Believers in Israel

“Before coming to this ministry program, I’d never opened the Bible out of my own will. I knew nothing about the Bible . . ."

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The Love of God. Show First. Share Second.

We share the love of God by first showing the love of God. Your gifts have invested in caring for Holocaust survivors, the elderly, single mothers, widows, orphans, and other poor and needy Jews and Arabs in Israel and in the surrounding nations.

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What Does the Future Hold for Israel and Her Neighbors?

Joel C. Rosenberg and his wife, Lynn, founded The Joshua Fund in 2006 with the mission to mobilize Christians to "bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus, according to Genesis 12:1-3."

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Be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 15:11

You can bless the lives of people in the Middle East in real and practical ways.

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Join us in Jerusalem for the Epicenter Prayer Summit July 11 – 12, 2018

Join us in Jerusalem for an evening and a full day of prayer for the people in the Land of Israel.

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Looking for a Bible Study to better understand God’s heart for Israel and the Surrounding Nations?

Check out three insightful Bible Study videos in the series “Blessing Israel and Her Neighbors in the Name of Jesus According to Genesis 12:1-3” and learn what the Scriptures say about God’s love for Israel and the Neighboring Nations from both the Old and New Testaments.

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You. Helping Encourage Pastors & Ministry Leaders in Iraq

Please be praying for these pastors and ministry leaders inside the nation of Iraq for peace in the region, for protection for its people and for many opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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You. Helping Provide Food to 2,500 Needy Families Monthly

Working with local partners on the ground, The Joshua Fund's Israeli team is currently providing food to 16 Distribution centers serving more than 2,500 families monthly.

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Would you like to learn more about how the Gospel is advancing in the Epicenter?

Please join Joel C. Rosenberg on Friday evening, October 6 and Saturday, October 7, 2017 at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Santa Ana, CA for Epicenter Conference 2017.

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Tour Israel with Joel C. Rosenberg July 3 – 15, 2018

Join Joel C. Rosenberg for a unique tour of the Holy Land including the Epicenter Prayer Summit in Jerusalem. Together you will visit ancient sites where Jesus taught and ministered.

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You. Helping women in Israel meet the Lord in a deeper way

“Several Palestinian women traveled by bus to attend the annual Mother’s Day Celebration in Israel. They arrived at the checkpoint where normally they would get off the bus, have their travel documents checked and be questioned by an official before being permitted to cross at the checkpoint."

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What Does the Future Hold for Israel and Her Neighbors?

Join Joel C. Rosenberg on Friday evening, October 6 and Saturday, October 7, 2017 at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Santa Ana, CA for Epicenter Conference 2017.

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Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Psalm 122:6

Become part of a team of Christians around the world who will pray knowledgeably, faithfully, and consistently for the peace of Jerusalem, for Israel, and for her neighbors.

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You. Showing the love of God to those in need making Aliyah

One tangible way your gifts to The Joshua Fund are showing the love of God is by providing household items for those in need who have recently made Aliyah.

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You. Providing education for displaced children in the Epicenter

Amidst war and terrorism, some of our ministry partners serving in the Middle East are, by God’s grace, seeing a growing and unprecedented hunger for the Gospel among many Muslims.

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