Join Joel as he encourages you, as you are praying in the New Year, to be praying for the people in the Middle East. Watch this short video and receive Joel’s insightful prayer requests for how you and your family can be praying for Israel and the surrounding nations.
“Many young women can’t afford to provide the basic needs for their child and they consider abortion." – A ministry worker in Israel
“Michael, his name changed for security purposes, thought his work among the refugees was simply ‘showing the love of Jesus’ to the lost and hurting." – A ministry partner in Lebanon
Give a gift of an unforgettable 13-day journey through the Holy Land with Joel C. Rosenberg and local ministry partners July 3-15, 2018.
A TJF ministry partner serving in Iraq shares “The refugee camps are full of needs, but the physical desire for food is only part of what they crave. The spiritual hunger is being realized by those that have lost their homes, their livelihood and for many, family members.
Watch a special Christmas and Hanukkah greeting from Joel C. Rosenberg as we remember God’s faithfulness, goodness, and mercy to His people and that our Savior Jesus Christ was indeed born in Bethlehem.
A volunteer in one of our Distribution Centers recently shared - “One of the members of our church visits an elderly couple who live on their own. Every time he visits them, he goes with his wife to deliver the food packages, and they sit and visit with this elderly couple. Over time, a nice relationship developed to the point that this elderly couple told them, ‘you are closer to us than our children and we can see your love and care for us.”
The cover design of this year’s Donor Report is a visual expression of the mission of The Joshua Fund which flows from the heart of God. God’s desire to show His love to the Jew is not different than His heart to show love to the Arab or Palestinian, and thus The Joshua Fund continues to reach out to Israel and her Neighbors with the love of God.
A word of thanks for your prayers and support from Joel C. Rosenberg, The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, as he shares about some of the remarkable things that God is doing in Israel and in the Neighboring nations to advance His Kingdom in extraordinary ways. We pray you are deeply blessed and encouraged as we together seek to fulfill the Great Commission in the Epicenter.
We share the love of God by first showing the love of God. Since our founding in 2006, The Joshua Fund has invested millions of dollars in blessing Holocaust survivors, the elderly, single mothers, widows, orphans, and other poor and needy Jews and Arabs in Israel and in the surrounding nations.
Learn more about God’s love and plan for Israel, for her neighbors, and for you, as revealed through the Bible. Join a growing number of evangelical Christians who understand developments in the Middle East through the “third lens” of Scripture.
Pastors, introduce your congregation to an immersive spiritual experience with combines study, prayer and worship with the relationship building elements of travel.
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, The Joshua Fund team wants to say how thankful we are for you! Thank you for partnering with us in the work the Lord is doing to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus.
You can go to Israel with The Joshua Fund and see for yourself the land, the people, and our work. You will understand the need better than you ever did, and you will never be the same after the experience.
“I have certainly appreciated The Joshua Fund’s commitment to the local congregations and the desire to strengthen followers of Jesus Christ in the Epicenter. I have seen first-hand the help and encouragement provided to pastors and ministry leaders in the land." - TJF board member and pastor
Join Joel C. Rosenberg and The Joshua Fund for a Prayer and Vision Tour of The Holy Land July 3-15, 2018 and the Epicenter® Prayer Summit which will be held July 11-12, 2018. You will learn firsthand how current Middle East events relate to the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Iraqi Christians by the thousands annually flee their homeland due to ongoing war, persecution and life’s insecurities that have battered their country for the last two decades. Over the course of the last ten years, thanks to your faithful prayers and support, we have been able to encourage and equip some of those faithful church leaders who persist in the work of the Lord in this war-weary field.
“Why should I care about what’s happening in the Middle East when America is being shaken to her core? Because God has given us a great responsibility in the last days – to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in every nation before He returns.” – Joel C. Rosenberg