On the Shores of Galilee

Israel Tour - Day 2

The second day of the Epicenter Tour brought the tour group to Capernaum, the city where Jesus taught in the synagogue and where Peter’s mother-in-law lived. After a time of worship right beside the sea, Joel C. Rosenberg compared the core message of the prophet Joel—Repent, for the day of the Lord is coming!—to the message brought by Jesus—“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”

From the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, tour members were given the opportunity to follow a narrow, dusty trail that led down towards the Sea of Galilee. Many paused along the way to read the Sermon on the Mount, pray through the Beatitudes, and join together in songs of praise. Later that afternoon, everyone boarded boats and crossed the lake, once more pausing to savor the experience, lift voices in worship, and open the Word of God.

During a baptism service on the shores of Galilee, twenty believers stepped forward to declare their faith. With much joy and rejoicing, these brothers and sisters boldly proclaimed their desire to do whatever the Lord might call them to do, forever and ever, come what may. Thanks be to God!

Suggested Readings:

  • Matthew 4:12–9:8
  • Mark 1:14–2:12
  • Mark 3:7–5:43
  • Luke 4:31–7:10



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