Does God Love Israel’s Neighbors? (Part 4 of 5)

God has indeed chosen the Jewish people and given them the land of Israel, but how does He view Israel's neighbors? As we dive into God's Word, we'll see He has not given Israel license to oppress their neighbors or to create injustice. Let's listen closely to this important reminder of God's love for the world and His promises for the children of Ishmael.


Videos In The Series:


View Are the Jews the Chosen People? (Part 1 of 5)

Replacement theology is a frightening trend in the church. The belief that the Lord has written off the Jewish nation and that the church will be the sole recipient of God's promises is bad theology; and bad theology results in bad consequences. Let's look at the Bible and find out whether the Jews are God's chosen people and why it matters.


View Were The Jews Given The Promised Land? (Part 2 of 5)

Turmoil in the Middle East including land disputes and threats from radical Islam are continually plastered across news headlines. While we don't expect radical Muslims to accept the Jewish presence in Israel, a growing number of Christians are questioning whether the Jews have a right to the Promised Land. Join us as we explore the Bible to determine whether Israel occupies land that does not belong to them. Does the Bible justify the Jewish presence in Israel?


View Why Does The World Hate Israel? (Part 3 of 5)

There's an intense battle raging. Throughout history, enemies have sought to annihilate the Jews and the threat of radical Islam is growing. In this message from Joel Rosenberg, we'll consider Satan's plot to destroy Israel and consider why the world hates the Jewish people.


View Does God Love Israel's Neighbors? (Part 4 of 5)

God has indeed chosen the Jewish people and given them the land of Israel, but how does He view Israel's neighbors? As we dive into God's Word, we'll see He has not given Israel license to oppress their neighbors or to create injustice. Let's listen closely to this important reminder of God's love for the world and His promises for the children of Ishmael.


View​ How Can The Church Bless Israel And Her Neighbors? (Part 5 of 5)

As Joel wraps up the series Critical Issues Facing the Epicenter, we'll explore why Israel and the Jewish people should be important to all believers. With the return of Jesus Christ approaching, we must consider our part in blessing Israel and her neighbors, and Joel will encourage us to learn, pray, give, and go. Joel also addresses questions from the congregation about current events, prophecy, and the sound interpretation of God’s Word.

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"Iran Attacks Israel With Missiles, as Israel Vows to Respond. Escalation comes days after Israel killed Hezbollah leader and risks a wider war in the Middle East" -Wall Street Journal