Christmas Outreach Blesses Needy Sudanese in Israel

“For You have been a strength to the poor, A strength to the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, A shade from the heat; For the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.”
– Isaiah 25:4 NKJV


Just before Christmas, two staff members of The Joshua Fund had the privilege of reaching out to 1,700 Muslim and nominal Christian Sudanese detainees in Sahronim camp in southern Israel, just eight kilometers from the Egyptian border. Here’s their report:

Thousands of refugees fleeing from the Radical Islamic regime and extreme poverty in Sudan have tried to enter Israel illegally over the last several years. Those who get caught are sent to detention camps. Israeli authorities aren’t prepared to let these non-Jewish refugees become citizens, but are also hesitant to send them back to the terrible conditions in Sudan. So the people wait until someone makes a decision on how to handle their cases.

Most of the refugees have fled the violence in Sudan in utter desperation, and have endured great hardship during their journey on foot across Egypt. There is a real danger from Egyptian patrols and bounty hunters, from being shot, or captured and abused. One young man recently rescued by Israeli guards needed to have five bullets removed from his body.

The Joshua Fund was welcomed into this challenging environment to be a blessing. When the camp gates were opened, we were taken aback by the hundreds of African men milling around an open courtyard, wearing state issued prison jumpsuits. We were humbled and deeply blessed to walk among them, being welcomed first by the men, then later by the women and children who are kept together in a separate area.

We had a fantastic opportunity to personally greet them, sing with and for them, and pray for them in groups. After leading them in song, we asked them if they would sing us a song in their native language, which they did with exuberance! They had no expectation that the day would hold blessing for them as the rest of the world celebrates and remembers the birth of Jesus, God’s gift to us.

Though we were able to provide some small gifts and sweets for the holiday, we most valued the open door we were given for the ministry of the Word of God. Many spoke English and were able to hear the message directly from us. Others heard it through translators among the teams of local believers we brought with us. The good news of the arrival of a Savior was spoken with clarity, straight from the Scriptures. Before we left, Bibles were distributed to those who wanted one. What a joy it was to be able to reach out to these hurting souls with the love of Jesus and the truth of His Word.

Please continue to be in prayer for these dear, displaced people. We plan to visit them again early in 2011.

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