Bible Prophecy Project: Volume 1
It looks like Russia is openly siding with Iran against the State of Israel.
Is Putin’s alliance with Iran’s Supreme Leader cause for concern? Absolutely.
Is it linked to End Times Bible Prophecy? It’s possible.
For the last two decades, I’ve traveled all over the globe trying to help people discover – or rediscover – the purpose and power of Bible prophecy.
After all, prophecy is an intercept from the mind of God.
Through it, we come to better understand who God is, what He is like, what He wants from us, and how to love and serve Him.
We also get a sneak peek into the future from the only One who knows what is coming down the line.
We get to see future events – good ones and bad – that God in His sovereignty and kindness wants us to see, to know, to process, and to prepare for.

27% of the Bible is prophecy – that means more than 1-in-4 verses of Scripture deal with prophecy.
About half of those verses describe events that have already come to pass.
But the other half of these passages tell us what is yet to come, what will happen in the “eschatological future.”
Why, then, are so many Bible teachers skipping or ignoring such a huge amount of information that God specifically put in the Bible to prepare us for what is coming?
To help educate the Church in this area a partnership of ministries, including The Joshua Fund, helped me create THE BIBLE PROPHECY PROJECT.

This video is the first one in a series of short, educational videos that seek to unpack and explain various portions of prophecy in clear, compelling, and creative ways.
They’re designed for everyone:
- Adults and children
- Those who have studied the Bible a lot and those who are novices
- Those who are followers of Jesus Christ and those who are not – or aren’t yet
Yes, I could have written a book about all this.
And I still might.
But it strikes me that YouTube videos are a huge way that people learn all kinds of subjects these days.
Why not make videos that can point us to the future – and eternity?
I hope you enjoy Volume One, “The Power of Prophecy.”
I encourage you to share this video with your friends, family, and others on social media.
It’s so exciting to see people open up the Word of God and have their eyes opened – often for the first time – to eternal truths and future events they never understood, never even imagined before.