Happy Purim! This is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the remarkable story of how the Lord used two faithful believers, Mordechai and Esther, and a movement of prayer and fasting to save the Jewish people from an evil Persian regime determined to annihilate them.
You may recall that in December 2011, I posted a story from the Jerusalem Post that gave me fresh hope about the future of Israel... On Wednesday, Mr. Netanyahu, his wife, his sons, and several close friends and Jewish scholars kicked off their first home Bible study.
Several years ago the Lord opened wide doors of ministry for The Joshua Fund to come and stand alongside the Church in Iraq...
The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Sadly, true peace has not yet come to either Israeli Jews or the Palestinian Arabs. Nor does a lasting and just peace between the two sides seem close at hand.
Who is the new President of Egypt? He’s an absolute disaster—an Islamic Radical who poses a grave threat to Israel, the U.S. and to the people of Egypt.
Benzion Netanyahu, the father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, passed away on Monday, April 30th, at 102 years old.
Update: Gaza-based terrorists fired additional rockets into Southern Israel on Saturday, bringing the total number of rockets and other projectiles to approximately 150 over the past week.
Make no mistake: the new leader of Egypt plans to impose radical Islamic sharia law on his nation. He claims this will bring a “revival” and “blessing” to Egyptians, but the exact opposite will be true.
In response to increased rocket fire and violence from militant groups in Gaza on the southern region of Israel, Knesset cabinet member and vice premier Silvan Shalom declares this week that Israel is nearing a dramatic decision to end rocket fire,..
In a startling and very positive new twist to the intense drama unfolding in the Middle East, the prospect for an all-out Israeli-Iranian war now appears to have been pushed back by eight to ten months.
In Syria, a bloody internal conflict has raged since the Syrian government began suppressing an opposition uprising in March of 2011. Some followers of Christ have felt led to remain in Syria and share the love of Jesus with their neighbors.
Also, Israel’s UN Ambassador quotes passage from Old and New Testaments…