The Times of Israel reported that retiring Defense Minister Ehud Barak expresses that his replacement will have much to grapple with in the unstable region.
After the fall of Jerusalem, and destruction of the Holy Temple in 70 C.E., hundreds of Jews joined the Sicarii on the mountaintop of Masada.
Ynet News reported that after hours of deliberation Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced they are close to finalizing the new coalition government.
Fox News reported that some of those who fought in the Red Army served in the highest levels of command. About 200,000 Soviet Jewish soldiers fell on the battlefield or into German captivity.
Israel is the most impoverished of the 34 member countries, with a poverty rate of 20.9%, according to a report released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Jerusalem Day is a national holiday commemorating the reunification of the city after East Jerusalem was captured during the Six Day War in 1967. It is celebrated primarily by Israel’s national religious community.
The Times of Israel reported on US President Barack Obama’s first trip to Israel since becoming president over four years ago. Where will the president visit and why?
3,000-year-old text from King David’s time, in an unknown language on the top of a jug, is earliest alphabetical writing ever found in holy city. Jar fragment bearing an inscription in a Canaanite language was unearthed near Jerusalem’s Temple Mount by Hebrew University archaeologist Eilat Mazar.
Mujahideen Shura Council of Jerusalem says fire at Eilat was in response to killing of Palestinians near Einav settlement. Egypt establishes team to check source of fire.
Shimon Peres rakes in the blessings, greetings, and good wishes at a fan-filled 90th birthday bash in Jerusalem.
The Joshua Fund distributes food and other humanitarian relief supplies to needy Israeli Jews and Arabs through distribution centers all throughout Israel. But what would happen during a crisis, be it war or natural disaster? How would we respond to unexpected needs that may arise in places where we don’t have a Distribution Center?